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NJ 2-1-1

The 211 system is devoted to connecting people in need to the resources that can help. 211 offers 24/7 live assistance with most social service needs.

New Jersey Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDD)

The Supports Program and Community Care Program were developed by the New Jersey Department of Human Services’ Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD), which provides public funding for certain services that assist eligible New Jersey adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, age 21 and older, to live as independently as possible. 

New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS)

Serving  New Jerseyans, individuals and families with low incomes; people with developmental disabilities, or late-onset disabilities; people who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind; parents needing child care services, child support and/or healthcare for their children; people who are dealing with addiction and mental health issues; and families facing catastrophic medical expenses for their children.

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